“Build your own”

https://www.yahoo.com/now/parler-banned-google-play-store-021449192.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF4B33DZZi9ol-YH5_c2As45NZyFxHz8KWVPwFte7XnGeagXoYYpEPW8-9rs2FvOSnwnyVv1ltdklIzrcxt4GlVxOhCIPMc8eueioxJI7e_3JeNjrAILU0XwpwuJt-bM7CI7cs6xAGM1OWrvvGeIOruaRTrRA8MFocQNksE2plZsBuild your own is what they tell you to do if you don’t like the censorship on big tech social media site such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and others.
However it seems that after the election on Nov. 3rd and a series of users were banned from the Social media platfoms listed above, users flowed right over to Parler.com to find a new home.
in Nov. 5 MILLION new users crashed the servers of Parler.com.
The flux of new users grew again on Jan 6th when Americans Marched to there own capital in Washington, DC. when Twitter Banend President Donald Trump.

Now as of 11pm est Parler was banned from the Google App Store.

Apple also is reporting giving the platform an chance to “Toe the line” and ban right wing people.

Free speech and the market thereof is dead.