1. They move in 2. There is a protest as the Illegals get to and cross the border 3. Owen Visits where they do the intake 4. Owen Returns that night. Infowars @ The Border 8 views You may also like Illegal Immigrants Are Being Housed In Hotels In Texas On Tax Payers 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 6 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border Illegal Immigrants Caught On Tape Being Bussed In Given Envelopes And Released Into Texas 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 6 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border Exclusive Look At Bidens’s Massive Child Trafficking Facility Being Expanded 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 8 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border Exclusive Massive Gaps In Border Wall Order By Biden Administration 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 6 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border EXCLUSIVE Illegal Immigrants With Envelopes Of Cash Seen At Airport Flying around 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 5 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border Migrant Facilities Rapidly Expanding To Deal With Illegal Immigrant Invasion 7 months ago/ invalidcookie/ 7 views/ 0likes/ 0dislikes Infowars @ The Border «1234Page 4 of 4